Sorry I haven't posted for a few days but life and one thing and another got in the way. Val and I popped into Costco on Wednesday afternoon, I ended up with a new navy raincoat and Val bought a book for Jack as part of his Easter. We then toddled off to Tesco to search out some bargains but didn't find much lol. Before we went home we decided to pop into Hobbycrap - whoops I mean Hobbycraft (or do I). I was looking for some cake decorating stuff and managed to get a couple of bits and pieces but as usual the scrapbooking stuff was rubbish. We did manage to pick up a couple of Bo Bunny papers that we didn't have so it wasn't a completely wasted trip.
Thursday - I would rather forget ever happened! It was that bad a day.
Friday - Wasn't much better during the day but in the evening Laura, Jenny and Ann (Jenny's mum) and I went to a Beetle Drive in the church hall. We had a lot of fun and Ann won the wooden spoon (complete with toilet roll) for the lowest adult score. As usual we did well in the raffle with Jenny winning chocolates, Ann won a bottle of Sangria and a bottle of chardonnay. Laura won a set of jams and chutney which she gave to her gran and a fairy wand filled with toiletries and she gave that to the little girl who was sitting at our table, which was very kind I thought. I won absolutely nothing for a change lol.
Today I was cropping with the girls and started several layouts and finished none of them. My mojo was missing in action and although I tried hard, things were just not working out - still there is always tomorrow.
Roll on Sunday.
Fee x