Sunday, 31 January 2010

An Extremely Productive Day

I was very focussed at the crop today and managed to complete two projects. The first one was the recipe/organiser thingy that I started to paint last night. I covered the box inside and out and then covered the inserts too. The challenge for me was using what is really a baby paper on a project that had nothing to do with babies LOL. I chose My Little Yellow Bicycle Baby Safari Girl Thermography cardstock to cover the box and some embellishments from the same range to decorate it. As you will see from the photo I have decided to use the box as an organiser for my Scor-pal projects. I am very guilty of designing a project and then just scribbling out the instructions in pencil on a piece of scrap paper. This is okay at the time but not so good if I have to make the same thing again 6 months later. Hopefully this little box will change all that and I will be able to find my instructions easily. I know Val will be glad I'm doing this because I drive her nuts all the time when I lose things and then she usually has to look for them LOL.

I did hear one very good piece of news today, probably the first piece of good news that I've heard this year. My friend Margaret is going to become a Gran in August - so congratulations Margaret & John. I was so pleased to hear this especially as the news was quite unexpected.

I'm already looking forward to seeing some new layouts documenting the pregnancy (no pressure).

Till tomorrow.

Fee x

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Whoops It's Finished

Today Jim and I scoffed the last four pieces of carrot cake - well someone had to do it LOL. Now that it's finished I don't think I should rush to make it again or I will need to buy bigger jeans.

I started a 12" x 12" layout today using some lovely My Mind's Eye cardstock but hit a bit of a brick wall so I've had to put it aside until tomorrow. I bought an MDF box with handle and dividers at the SECC in October and I hadn't done anything with it ......... until today that is. I've now painted the top, bottom and all the edges inside and out with pink acrylic paint and it is all ready to cover with paper tomorrow. I'm not sure what it is supposed to be used for but I think it's probably meant to be for recipes. I'm thinking that I'll maybe use it as some kind of organiser but I'm not sure what yet. Hopefully it will all become clear tomorrow.
Here are another couple of pages from the Bo Bunny Album (almost finished now promise LOL).

Till tomorrow.

Fee x

Friday, 29 January 2010

Move Over Delia

The carrot cake turned out so well I ate one of the muffins last night when it was still warm (no patience at all have I?) I made the topping this morning and it's confession time ........................... I've eaten another muffin and three squares today. Totally outrageous I know but it was fab. In my defence DH has also eaten three squares so I don't really feel too bad. Perhaps the recipe should have had one of those government health warnings on it LOL.

Laura has her friend Jenny staying over tonight and they have been practising their dancing steps all evening. I thought at one point the ceiling was coming down. I managed to find an old catsuit of Laura's that no longer fits her so they were both kitted out and they have been dancing their way all over the house.

I have posted another couple of photos of the Bo Bunny album (if you are not bored of
it already).

Off now to put my feet up and have a little bloghop.

Fee x

Thursday, 28 January 2010

The Verdict

The girls came over before school this morning and they just loved the Bo Bunny Edgy Album (and they thought I was very clever which was nice). They decided to go to the Fit for Girls Club after school and Laura came home exhausted LOL. Sophie and Jenny have just got a new puppy and Laura went over to their house this evening to see it. I'm just waiting on the inevitable question - when can we get a dog?
After dinner I dragged out the mixing bowl and ingredients for carrot cake and it is cooling as I type this. It smells yummy and I just hope it tastes as good as it smells. I've never made carrot cake before so this is a first. If it turns out well I'll post the receipe, if not send the get well cards to the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley where I'll be getting my stomach pumped.

I've posted another couple of photos from the book.

Ta ta for now.

Fee x

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

I unpacked Jim's car today before he started moaning about all my scrapping stuff rattling around in the boot LOL. I also managed to take a few photographs of the Bo Bunny Friends Kit that I made up at the weekend and I hope you like it. The paper is from the Alyssa range and I really love the colours. I used photos of Jenny, Sophie and Laura taken over the past few months. Laura loved it and I'm sure the girls will like it too.

I continued with my clean up campaign and blitzed the kitchen and my bedroom and then took some more photographs for My Home book (while it was clean and tidy LOL). I also have a notion to do some more baking and quite fancy trying to make carrot cake. I've googled a few recipes tonight and I think I have all the ingredients that I need. I'll let you know how successful (or otherwise) I am.
Till tomorrow.

Fee xx

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Paying the Price .....

...... for being away for the weekend. I spent the day catching up with washing, ironing and other dreaded household chores YUK! The sad thing is that I've still got loads to do but tomorrow is another day and I'm heading for bed.

I also need to phone my hairdresser and get an appointment to get my hair cut. All of a sudden it has got too long and I can't do anything with it. I'll add that to the list for tomorrow LOL.

Till then.

Fee x

Monday, 25 January 2010

Back to Reality

Well I'm back from a fabulous weekend at South Littleton. The accommodation was fantastic and the scrap room is out of this world. We all left wishing we had a scrap room like that LOL. Our hosts Hazel and David could not have done any more for us and ensured that everyone had a wonderful time. Thanks to Izzy, Margaret, Roberta, Sandra and Val for the fun and laughter we shared. I'm looking forward to our next visit already so roll on October. Anyone who fancies a scrapping holiday in rural Perthshire would be mad not to check it out at

I did actually manage to do some scrapping and I will share some of my projects on the blog this week but I'll have to photograph them first. In the meantime here are some photos of the girls working hard.

Till tomorrow.

Fee x

Thursday, 21 January 2010

One More Sleep - Yippee

Sorry folks but life overtook me again and I've been very busy this week. So busy that I haven't had a chance to blog or do many of the things that I should have done.

I'm so excited cos we (the girls !!!) are going away tomorrow for the weekend. Unfortunately I haven't got a thing ready and I'm in the process of washing and ironing as I type this. We are going to scrap all weekend so I don't really need anything dressy so it will be jeans and jumpers I think. It looks like we might get some snow too so I'd better pack the thermal vests and knickers as well LOL. I hope we get plenty of scrapping done.

Fee x

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Pretty Bird Feeder

Here is a photo of the finished Bird Feeder complete with fat ball. A few days ago I started this project and then decided to modge podge the paper to protect it from the elements. BIG mistake, HUGE mistake! The paper went all bumpy and horrible and it would not flatten out so I had to take it all off and start again. I've used modge podge successfully in the past and I don't know what went wrong this time. I wanted to put some form of protective layer on so I tried the Crafters Companion Spray and Shine and it worked a treat. I hope you like what I've done and my little birds appreciate their posh new dining table.
Fee x

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Some Sad News

We just heard today that Jim's Uncle Jack has lost his battle with cancer. Our thoughts and prayers go to his wife Jenny and son Kenneth. I made a sympathy card using my PTI With Sympathy stamp set. I used a C6 white card blank, black bazzill and pistachio bazzill for the card. It was very simple and I've made similar cards before. I love all of the different words in this set but this is my favourite - I hope you like it.

Today I attempted to do some scrapbooking but failed miserably, my heart just wasn't in it. Probably because I was worrying about what Laura was doing. She was out and about with some friends in Clydebank. There was a whole crowd of them including some boys whose behaviour shocked her into saying that she will never go back with them again. I suppose every cloud has a silver lining but I dread to think how bad the behaviour was to make her say that LOL. Perhaps it's best that I remain in blissful ignorance about what went on. The bits that I have heard would make your hair curl and I'm glad she has the sense to see that's not the way to behave.

Catch ya later.

Fee x

Friday, 15 January 2010

New Home

Today my eldest niece Jan got the keys to her new flat so we all trooped along tonight to have a wee nosey. It is absolutely lovely and needs virtually nothing done to it - she is so lucky.

I started a layout today but didn't get very far with it but hopefully I'll be able to do it tomorrow at the crop. I am looking forward to seeing the girls and doing some scrapping

I also sorted out three projects to take away with me for the weekend. I am determined to travel as lightly as possible cos I usually take far too much stuff with me when I am going anywhere. We'll see LOL.

Till tomorrow.

Fee x

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Anyone for Modge Pdoge?

I did manage to do some crafting today and I cut and covered my 2 pence bird feeder. It sounds as if I didn't do much but believe me it took ages to cut the paper to fit and to line up and cut out the centre hole. I also Modge Podged the paper to protect it from the elements so that it will last a bit longer. I just need to decide what to do with the roof and then finish off by decorating the front. I'd better hurry up and get it finished cos these little birds in my garden look hungry LOL.

Laura went to the Youth Club tonight so I was able to get my "fix" of Coronation Street totally uninterrupted - pure bliss.

Tonight is the PTI January release and I am trying to be good but I don't know how long I can last but we'll see.

See ya tomorrow.

Fee x

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

My Newest Project

Last week I was raking around in ASDA and I found this little bird feeder that I thought I could alter. The tag said £1 and I thought it was a bargain. It turned out to be an even bigger bargain than I thought as it ended up costing 2 pence when it was scanned at the checkout. Anyway I started to play around with it today in the hope that I can get it finished for the weekend and put a fat ball into it for the little birds in my garden. I've taken a photo of the "before" and I'll let you see what I've done when it's finished.

Later gaters.

Fee x

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Domestic Goddess In Training

I caved in and did some more baking with Laura tonight. Chocolate Chip Muffins this time and they are fab. To be honest I think I left them in a few minutes longer than I should have but I sat down to watch tv and forgot about them (that's why I'm in training) LOL.

I had a busy day today washing and ironing then I tackled Laura's room. Not a task for the faint hearted! It is all nice and clean now and she better keep it tidy or she will be in real trouble after all my hard work.

The snow is melting at last and my heather plants are beginning to emerge from underneath. I can't believe that it is still blooming in January.

I am going to try to do some crafting tomorrow cos I feel I haven't been able to do anything for ages and I deserve a little "me" time I think.

Till tomorrow.

Fee x

Monday, 11 January 2010

Happy Birthday Dear Jim, Happy Birthday To Yooooooooo

Thank goodness today has arrived and my hubby has to stop telling everyone that I am three years older than him LOL. Now he has to say two years and twelve days if he is being honest. Here is a picture of his birthday cake complete with candles (fire extinguisher standing by).

We went over to Braehead today to do some shopping and to buy Jim a new shaver. It was so nice to be able to walk around on our own and look at things. We even stopped for a coffee and a hot chocolate with cream of course (absolute bliss).

The twins are 12 tomorrow and Laura and I have been shopping for gifts for them. The gifts are now wrapped and the cards have been written so that Laura can take them to school tomorrow. They are both excited about their birthday especially Sophie who can't stop telling anyone who will listen "Did you know it's my birthday tomorrow"? She almost drove me daft on the way home from school talking about it. Probably because I'm so old now that I want to forget my birthday LOL.

Fee x

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Early Birthday Celebrations

Val and I had planned to do some crafting but she was not feeling particularly good today so we had to cancel. Hope you feel better soon Val I missed ya hunny.

It's Jim's birthday tomorrow (Monday) so we went over to Tony Roma's at Braehead for dinner to celebrate. Laura's friends Jenny & Sophie will be twelve on Tuesday so we took them with us to celebrate their birthday too. As a surprise I bought two birthday cakes, one for Jim and one for the girls. They were delighted with the surprise and the cake (a Smarties one) tasted pretty fabulous too LOL. The only problem was that I didn't manage to take a photo of Jim blowing out his candles cos they did it together. I've posted a couple of photos of the girls having fun and we'll try to get a photo of the birthday boy tomorrow.
Till tomorrow.
Fee x
PS The muffins tasted great and Laura now wants me to do more baking with her - what have I started?

Saturday, 9 January 2010

Blown It

Well that's the first New Year Resolution broken LOL. I promised myself I would blog everyday in January and I didn't even make it for the first week. Life just seems to get in the way. In order to compensate (and to make me feel better) I'll give you an update.

Wednesday 6th

As it was the last day of Laura's holiday we took a stroll around Loch Lomond Shores this afternoon. It was almost deserted and we wandered in and out of the shops and along the shore making the most her last day of freedom for a while. It was nice to have some quality time together and we really should do it more often.

Thursday 7th

Laura started back at school today and we had the usual routine of "just five more minutes" for more than half an hour Grrrrrr. Eventually she was ready but I had to run her to school to ensure that she wasn't late.

In the afternoon I went to the Spa at The Carrick on Loch Lomondside for an aromatherapy massage. My youngest niece works there as a beauty therapist and my sister gave me this as a gift for my birthday. Outside there was the beautiful water fountain and I couldn't resist taking a quick photo. The massage was fantastic, very relaxing and I came home totally chilled out. I'll have to save my pennies if I want to go back again (and I really do want to go back). When I got home I made Laura a quick snack and lay down on the sofa for a quick forty winks. Two and a half hours later I was wakened by Laura asking when I was making dinner (please don't phone Childline, I did feed her eventually).

Friday 8th

A day spent chasing my tail. Everything I tried to achieve fell by the wayside LOL. It was just one of those days when nothing went right. I did take my Mum into ASDA for some shopping but apart from that I don't think I finished anything else I started.

Saturday 9th

It had snowed again overnight, not a great deal but enough to make the roads and pavements even more slippery.

Margaret and Roberta popped in today and helped Val and I to eat some yummy Marks & Spencers biscuits (goodies were courtesy of Sandra - thanks Sandra but I'm sorry we finished them).

I actually finished off a layout today - YIPPEE! I'm afraid I can't take much of the credit as Val had to practically stand over me until I did something. As usual once I got started I wanted to keep going but by that time it was late afternoon and we ran out of time. Anyway I've posted it for you to see (perhaps you can guess which one is Shrek). I'm grateful to say that I've lost almost 2 stones since that picture was taken as it is not very flattering.

Laura and I decided to do a little baking tonight and as I sit here, the smell of Banana Muffins is wafting in from the kitchen. I wonder if they will be around long enough to take a photo? I wonder if they will look good enough to take a photo of LOL.

We'll see.

Fee x

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Meet My Newest Toy

Jim bought me a new printer for my birthday - isn't it fab? I set it up in my Craft Room earlier today and I can't wait to print off some photos. I've hidden it in my Craft Room to prevent everyone and their Granny using it cos i want to keep it for my photos. We already have a printer in the Family Room for general use so hopefully I'll be able to keep it safe. Val told me about a great offer on Epson Photo Paper at Rymans and I asked her to bring me a couple of packs of paper so that I can play YIPPEE! Can't wait to get started.

We awoke this morning to find that another inch of snow had fallen during the night. This was a bit of a surprise as the weather forecast hadn't predicted any snow for us in the west. Today was very cold and it looks like tomorrow will bring more of the same. I cleared our front path at lunchtime so that at least we can get in and out the car safely as the path was extremely icy.

I'm hoping that this cold snap will disappear in time for our scrapping weekend on 22nd - 24th January as I don't fancy having to wear my thermals and pack a shovel in the car (there won't be room anyway cos of my scrapping stuff LOL).

Till later taters.

Fee x

Monday, 4 January 2010

We Actually Did Some Scrapping!

Amazing isn't it? Well Val and I thought so. Despite a late start we managed to work on a few scrapbooking projects. Izzy and Sandra didn't make it today due to poor weather conditions but we hope to get together whenever the weather improves. We managed to consume half of the birthday cake that Val had kindly brought me and it was YUMMY. The kind of cake that was soooo goood you just had to have another piece LOL. I must say that we don't need much encouragement to eat goodies though. I have posted a photo just to let you see what you girls missed.

I have posted a photo of the finished front cover of my new scrapbook about Our Home. I started working on this last week but due to the holidays I didn't get anything else done to it until today. I love the Boss - o Sizzix letters I used for the title - they are kinda funky I think. I also remounted the Sizzix house and tree onto brown Bazzill cardstock instead of the green I used previously and I like it much better now. I've also started working on the inside pages. We were laughing when I was making it because it is not quite my style of album and the I Love Elsie range is a bit too "doodley" for me but I am determined to use it.

Till tomorrow.

Fee x

Sunday, 3 January 2010

Laaaazzy Day

Confession time .......................... I stayed in my jammies all day today! I just couldn't be bothered to get showered and dressed until 8pm. I say dressed but what I really mean is a clean pair of jammies LOL.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow cos I'm scrapping with Val and Sandra YIPPEE. Let's hope that I get my mojo going before lunchtime and then I may have a chance of actually producing something.

I thought I post a photo of my new handbag that Santa brought me. It's already had an airing a couple of times and I love it.

Till tomorrow (and all the crafty news I'll have to report - fingers crossed).

Fee x

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Hostess with the Mostest

I had a long lie in this morning and managed to finish my book (Paths to Glory by Jeffrey Archer). I started off many years ago by reading Kane and Abel and I must have read almost all of his books by now. When I eventually made it out of bed I was so busy I never stopped after that LOL. My Mum was coming over for dinner so I dragged out the best crystal and my new Christmas plates. I bought these in the Morrisons sale just before Christmas and haven't had the chance to use them until now. I've posted a pic so that you can see them. Thankfully everything went well and dinner was very nice so no complaints from our guest.

Till later.

Fee x

Friday, 1 January 2010


I hope that everyone had a nice time last night. No mad parties at our house we just stayed at home to bring in the bells and then went to bed. Laura and I went to my mum's for dinner but Jim has had a bit of a cold (man flu) so he didn't make it. I did my meals on wheels routine and brought something back for him so that he wouldn't starve.

I also did a little bit more to Our Home album and I've posted a photo of what I've done to the album so far. I hope you like it.

Till tomorrow.

Fee x